The data is in and the word is out—a safe and consistent yoga practice can lead to a whole host of realizations and positive life changes. When accompanied by skilled teachers, the student has the potential to find more and better ways to live a productive, healthy life in a fast-changing and aggressive world.

In today’s growing and changing yoga landscape, new and experienced students of all ages, shapes, and backgrounds are entering the learning environment with different needs and lots of questions.

EFV Labs host the best, most experienced educators in the field to support new teachers (as well as experienced teachers who would like to freshen up their teaching practice) in their quest for highly skilled continuing education with which to better serve the ongoing/growing needs and explorations of the students who enter their learning environment.

After building the foundation in the nine-month EFV 200-hr training, EFV Labs’ trainings and immersions allow the new educators to add more tools to their teacher toolbox enabling them to reach out to a more broad and diverse student base with confidence, accuracy, and skill.

Photo: Lydia Mann



Journey to the Center of the Breath

A weekend of breath-centered exploration with Leslie Kaminoff

Dates: 7-8 July, 2018
Venue: Theatre de la Danse
Schedule for both days: 9h30-12h30 / 90mn lunch / 14h-17h
Content: 12-hr Continuing Education Immersion for New Teachers & Experienced Practitioners


• The Diaphragm: Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions About Yogic Breathing

The diaphragm is one of the most important muscles in the human body and is a major focus of yogic breath practice. There are many misconceptions about this vital structure that lead yoga teachers to pass along faulty information to their students. In this session, Leslie will review common diaphragmatic myths using imagery, animation, simple movement practice and inquiry. Expect to come out of it with a more profound and accurate view of the essential role of breathing in yoga and life.

• The Yoga of Sound and Phonetics – Power, Expression, Articulation

One of the most effective ways to empower a breath-centered yoga practice is to integrate sound into simple vinyasa flows. In this session, Leslie will review the basics of phonetics using the anatomical map of the mouth embedded in the Sanskrit alphabet.  He will lead students in a simple chanting practice to blend exploration of the relationship between sound, physical support and movement. There will be stillness within the movement, and movement within the stillness.


• Hands-On Assisting Lab: Working Therapeutically with Groups and Individuals

Problems arise in yoga practice if we provoke too much movement from too few places. This session explores the alternative: how to promote well-distributed breath and movement. Leslie will lead partnered teaching and hands-on exchanges, group practice sessions and engaged discussions focusing on how to integrate spinal movement with breath mechanics, and how to develop individual strategies for specific issues.

• The OM Workshop – Breath, Resonance, Vibration

In a yoga class, one of the first opportunities for students to connect with their teacher is through a shared “OM” but how often do we pay as much attention to the details of this sound as we do to the nuance of asana? Leslie will deconstruct the phonetics of this complex, resonant, sacred vibration. By focusing on the movement of “OM” through our vocal spaces, and playing with its inherent overtones, we will build a practice that can support a lifetime of exploration of this most fundamental of mantras.

Price: 219 € for EFV Labs members (100 € non-refundable deposit due now), 250 € for non-EFV Lab members. 

Registration is now open!


Bi-Annual Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training with Sharon Bales

Dates: 17 - 19 September , 2021
Venue: Sharon Bales Yoga: 75002, Paris
Schedule : 15h-18h (Friday) / 11h-17h (Saturday) / 9h-15h (Sunday) / self-study
Content: 15-hr Yoga Alliance Certified

At this precious time in a woman’s life, a safe and holistic practice can be a best friend on the nine-month journey. She needs the support and guidance of highly skilled teachers, who possess both knowledge and confidence.

Having prenatal certification not only gives you additional tools to keep pregnant women safe in your public classes, it also qualifies you to host therapeutic classes open only to pregnant women, and gives you the real skills to work with private students through each trimester and after birth.

More and more gynaecologists, doulas, and midwives are recommending prenatal yoga to their patients. Many studios are starting to offer prenatal classes and workshops.

For an introduction to Sharon’s Prenatal Womb Yoga classes, read her blog What is Prenatal Yoga?

This course includes:

  • The benefits of yoga during pregnancy

  • The transforming feminine body during pregnancy

  • Asana and pranayama to relieve common pregnancy discomforts

  • Contraindications and the Dos and Don’ts of Prenatal Womb Yoga and WHY

  • Anatomy and function of the pelvis and pelvic floor

  • Physiology of birth

  • Preparation for labour using asana and pranayama: yoga for labour and birth

  • Mantra and the significance of using the voice in pregnancy, labour, and birth

  • An overview of what holding the space for the transforming feminine body and energy entails

  • An introduction to invoking the energy of Bhuvaneśvarī and the ancient wisdom of the Mahāvydiās

  • Prenatal bonding with baby

  • An brief intro to Postnatal Yoga

  • Prenatal class participation and observations

  • A course manual and workbook

  • Written assignment

Further opportunities to learn and reflect will be offered during each session. TTs are invited to do the outside work during this weekend to enrich our study together.

#womensupportingwomen is one of our favorite hashtags at EFV Labs!

Price: 425€ ; (400€ for EFV TTs and graduates) by PayPal

Registration is now open!


Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training with Sharon Bales

Dates: 24 - 26 September, 2021
Venue: Sharon Bales Yoga, rue Sainte Anne, 75002, Paris
Schedule : 15h-18h (Friday) / 11h-17h (Saturday) / 9h-15h (Sunday)
Content: 15-hr Yoga Alliance Certified
Limited to: 10 Students

The postpartum phase of pregnancy is at least six weeks after giving birth. With so much love and attention for the baby, we must not neglect the care and nurture of the mother during this phase. She is at a particularly vulnerable time physically, emotionally, and physiologically. As her hormones for breastfeeding are released, she is regaining stability in her pelvis, spine, and core, suffering from sleep deprivation, and adapting to the new demands on her body of carrying and feeding her baby. Self-care and rest are the foundations of postnatal recovery.

This Postnatal Yoga TT will provide you with the tools and knowledge to safely and appropriately teach yoga to postnatal women. The aim is to give you a foundation understanding of the particular needs of the whole woman during the postpartum period. The course provides yoga solutions and suggestions for common postpartum ailments, anxiety, pelvic floor issues, back and shoulder pain. You’ll learn to consider the needs of the healing women through asana, pranayama, mantra, and deep relaxation practices.

Friday, September 24th  15h - 18h
Welcome circle
Discussion of the fourth trimester and postnatal yoga.
• Please read The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson before this session.

Saturday, September 25th  11h - 17h
Discussion of Yogic perspectives on postnatal recovery.
• A homework assignment will be given.

Sunday, September 26th  9h - 15h
Discussion of homework assignment.
Introduction to pelvic floor anatomy, function, and healing after birth through yoga.
• A homework assignment will be given, to be discussed at our next circle.

Price: 425 € (400 € for EFV TTs and graduates).

Registration is now open!

Photo: corinne stoll

COMPLET / Cet événement est complet.

Yin Yoga Certified Teacher Training with Cécile Roubaud & Valentina Duna

Dates: 31 janvier - 2 février, 2020; 9 - 11 octobre, 2020 (2 training weekends)
Lieu: Muses Yoga (1er week-end), Kalari 7 (2e week-end)
Schedule : 14h30-20h (vendredi) / 9h-18h (samedi) / 9h-17h (dimanche)
Content: 50-hr Yoga Alliance Certified
Matériel à apporter: un bolster, un tapis, un carnet de notes, un crayon, un mug, un bloc, une petite couverture éventuellement

Focus de la formation :

  • Initiation à la philosophie taoïste

  • La pratique Yin du non-effort, son influence sur nos existences et sur notre enseignement

  • Flux d’énergie (Qi ou Prana) dans le corps : circulation et influence dans la pratique du Yin Yoga

  • Anatomie et compréhension de notre propre constitution

  • Pratique guidée du Yin Yoga

  • Elaboration d’une séquence de Yin

  • L’espace sacré et l’espace protégé en Yin Yoga

Tarif / Price: POUR LES MEMBRES d’EFV Labs: 700 € Early Bird pour les membres d’EFV Lab (jusqu’au 15 août), 800 € après le 15 août. POUR LES PERSONNES NON MEMBRES D’EFV LABS : 750 € Early Bird, 830 € après le 15 août.

TOUS PAIEMENTS SONT NON-REMBOURSABLES SAUF EN CAS D’URGENCE. Si vous n’optez pas pour le tarif Early Bird, un deposit non-remboursable de 100 € est à verser avant le 15 septembre. Les personnes souhaitant bénéficier du tarif Early Bird devront payer l’intégralité des frais avant le 15 août.


Prtyaksa-anumana-agamah pramanani. —Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, i.7